Friday Club

Friday Club

The Ripple Friday Club is our social and activities club for local people over 65.

Meeting on Fridays from 1pm to 3pm.  The club takes a break in July and August.

We aim to put together an exciting programme of musical entertainment, fun quizzes, bingo and themed activities - all followed by refreshments in our café with the occasional fundraising raffle.

The club is facilitated by a team of volunteers who are on hand to help everyone join in and enjoy the session.  This is a great opportunity to get out of the house and make new friends and have a chat over a cuppa.  While our volunteers can lend a steadying hand this club does not offer any type of personal care and is not a registered care service.

Transport can be provided for people living in Restalrig and Lochend who are not able to make their own way here. Spaces are very limited - please call 0131 554 0422 to check availability.

Just pop in on Fridays at 1pm and join us!

The club charges a small fee of £1 to cover the cost of refreshments.